A RAID log is a project planning tool and stored as a document with other Project documents. It is used to document the key Risks, Assumptions, Issues, and Dependencies.

When the project is initiated, the project team as a whole discusses and identifies which are going to impact the successful completion of the project. That could be events, activities, individuals, or any other relevant information.  All these are categorized under R,A ,I, D. RAID log is created at the start of the project to track anything impacting the project from the beginning.

The general rules for categorization are as follows

Risks – These are the events that will affect badly and risk the project success .

Assumptions – These are the assumptions that the project team assume to be in place for success of the project.

Issues – These are the issues that are present before starting the project.  The project team should be aware of these issues and address them during the project progress.

Dependencies – The project team should be aware of the dependencies between this project and other projects and how it affects the progress.

Updates -RAID logs will be updated on a regular basis.  The status of each item will be monitored and updated regulary.

Note: In RAID, some project manager’s use, A for Actions and D for decisions.

RAID Analysis
RAID Analysis is used to identify the Project Risk, Assumptions, Issues and Dependencies. During RAID analysis all stakeholders are invited to the participate in the meeting to give their input. The project manager has to pick the brain of everyone to bring out any potential RAIDs and log it in the RAID log file.

Benefits of RAID Analysis

Proactively manage the project
For stakeholder management and keep them happy
All RAIDs are in one place (RAID Log)

Maintenance of RAID Log

This log is prepared during the planning of the project. This gives an overall picture of the risks, assumptions, issues and dependencies, so that the team can prepare when it occurs.

It is reviewed regularly and updated with new information. It allows the whole team to search and identify critical issues, which will have an impact on the project. RAID log helps to better planning for utilizing the resources. This helps to update the stakeholders on the potential risks and issues

RAID Log users

Project teams, stakeholders and management from all industries use RAID Log.


Project risk is defined by the Project Management Institute (www.pmi.org) as an uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or negative effect on a project’s objectives.

It is a Risk, when a specific event occurs and it has a negative impact on your project or program.  The risk has to be identified by the project team as a whole and record it in the risk log.  Any known mitigation plan has to be associated with it so that the team is prepared for the risk.  The risk can be evaluated and given a rating depending on the severity.  This rating helps on monitoring the risk regularly.

Project manager will manage and mitigate the risks. They monitor and communicate to the team.


PMBOK Guide 5th Edition refers Project Assumption as “A factor in planning process that is considered to be true, real or certain often without any proof or demonstration”. Assumptions are made during project initiation and monitoring & controlling phases. When these assumptions didn’t happen during the course of the project, it may pose a risk to the project. Based on the Assumptions, the project may be planned and scheduled. When the assumptions did not happen, the project has to be adjusted accordingly.

Example: Project assumes to hire a web developer and develop the website for the company.  If the web developer is not hired in time the project will be delayed and put the project at risk. The project assumptions are potential risks. All assumptions should be documented in Assumptions log and communicated to the project team.  They are monitored periodically by the Project Manager.

It is a problem encountered during the project execution.  It has an impact on the project activities.  The issue will be resolved immediately or in a week’s time.  If it cannot be resolved it may become a risk.  The issues are documented in Issues Log.  Example: If a resource call in sick, the project activities are affected.  If the resource didn’t return in time, then it becomes a risk. The continual absence of a resource may impact the project seriously.

Project has many activities to complete.  Let us assume the project has two tasks, A and B. When a task B cannot be started without the completion of task A, then task B has a dependency on task A. 

Types of Dependencies

There are 4 types of dependencies: FS, SS, SF, FF
FSFinish to Start (Ex: Task A has to finish before Task B starts; Foundation (Task A) has to be created to pour concrete (Task B))

SSStart to Start Task A has to start at the same time as Task B (Ex: When foundation task is started, the measurements task will be started)

SFStart to Finish Task A has to be started before Task B is completed ( Ex: Task A must start before Task B finishes; Bricks are put in place (Task A) before the tartar mixing is prepared(Task B). If the tartar mixing day cannot be extended, then any adjustment to Task A has to be preponed to finish with Task B. Here in this dependency, Task B has a hard finish date and Task A has to be adjusted backwards moving the dates.)

FFFinish to Finish Task A has to be finished before Task B is finished. (Ex: When building a website, Web site will be completed (Task A), after all the pages are completed (Task B).

Responsibility of the RAID maintenance

It is project manager’s responsibility to record, monitor, and manage all dependencies.


RAID log is a very useful tool for any project.  This tool will help in the successful completion of the project.